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Physical Address: 10400 Billings Road, Live Oak, CA 95953
Mailing Address: PO Box 387, Live Oak, CA 95953
Business Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 am – 4:30 pm (Pacific)
It’s the only way to describe California Wild Rice.
Extraordinary Taste The smoky, nutty flavor and chewy texture of wild rice complement dishes of all kinds. Pair with fruits, nuts, meats, poultry and fish.
Extraordinary Versatility From appetizers to yeast breads, wild rice adds flavor and interest to stuffing, soups, salads, stews, breads, muffins, pancakes and desserts. It’s delicious hot, warm or chilled.
Extraordinary Tradition Wild rice was an important food staple for several Native American tribes (for hundreds of years). Now it’s a favorite with all good-food lovers.
Extraordinary Abundance Thanks to modern cultivating and harvesting techniques in California, overall production has increased and wild rice is affordable and abundant.
Extraordinary Goodness Wild rice is a low-fat, natural food with no additives or preservatives. It’s a great source of fiber and is high in vitamin B and antioxidant vitamin E.
Wild Rice now is more affordable and available than ever before.You will enjoy the nutty,toasty flavor and the firm, yet crunchy bite of this high-protein, high-fiber, low-fat carbohydrate. Wild Rice is 100% organic and with only 70 calories per half-cup serving, nutritious Wild Rice goes with today’s smarter, leaner and lighter menus!
Versatile wild rice adds a special touch to many recipes. Try some of these recipes! More great recipes available here. |